Contact Michelle Kalina
- Best Practices in English Language Learning Instruction - 2 Credits
- Best Practices in Writing Instruction - 2 Credits
- Bullying Prevention - 2 Credits
- Early Interventions for Reading Difficulties - 2 Credits
- Growing Up with Autism - 2 Credits
- School Success for ADHD and LD Students - 2 Credits
- Teaching Children With Challenging Behavior - 2 Credits
- Teaching Social Skills to Students with Autism - 2 Credits
- Using Augmentative / Alternative Communication to Build Academic Skills - 2 Credits
Instructor Bio
Michelle Kalina has been teaching continuing education distance learning classes for the past eleven years. She earned her M.S. in Speech Language Pathology and a B.A. in History, German and Russian from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. For the past 16 years, she has been employed in the Anoka-Hennepin school district as a speech language pathologist. She is also a member of the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) and has presented on the topic of culture and special education at the Minnesota Speech Language Hearing Association annual conference.
Online Graduate Professional Development &
Continuing Education Credit Courses for Teachers